YouVivid is a mobile SlideShow, Ringtone, and Photo eCard creating and sharing services. All the vivid clips created by users in YouVivid are called uCards. Making uCards is fast, easy, and fun! Users simply pick up a template from the website's categories and personalize it by snap in user's images or text to make a uCard. The uCard templates are musical animation clips with predefined image and text transition effects designed in Adobe Flash format. Anyone who is interested in designing uCard template can download the toolkit(uCard's Flash components) and learn everything about it from the Designer Area in the website. After a new template is created, it can be upload to YouVivid to be used by the creator or be open to share with others.
Features of YouVivid
- Easy to create
YouVivid is extremely easy to use. By snaping in images and text editing, anyone can make vivid uCards with fancy transition effect and touching music in minutes. And with the multiple options to share uCard to others, it can really do magic on your photos to impress anyone who receive.
- Personalized Video Greeting Card and Slide Show
uCard is a combination of designer's template, background music, your photos and your words. It transforms your photo and words into a vivid animation to tell your story in a perfect way.
- Cross platform sharing. Share by mobile, email, blog
The multiple share options of uCards allow you to easily and quickly share your works to friends and families. It can be send to mobiles as multimedia greeting message. It can be downloaded to mobile for viewing or setting as video ring tone. Also you can send it to others through emails as greeting cards, or post it on your blog by copy/paste the widget codes .
- Cross-languaged font support
YouVivid is the only slideshow service (as we know) that support user's input text to be dynamically generated from a true type font engine. User can add text into the slideshow with perfect font type in any language including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Turkish ....
- Open template design spec to all flash designer
Anyone who is interested in designing uCard template can download the toolkit(uCard's Flash components) and learn everything about it from the Designer Area in the website. After a new template is created, it can be upload to YouVivid to be used by the creator or be open to share with others.
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