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social media consultancy lounge

4 items have been tagged social media consultancy lounge

Press Release

Elemental to exhibit at integrated marketing conference mediaPro

Elemental to exhibit at integrated marketing conference mediaProElemental to exhibit at integrated marketing conference mediaProCommunications consultancy Elemental to exhibit at integrated marketing conference and exhibition mediaPro at Olympia 2, London, UKLondon, UK ---- Communications consultancy Elemental...


mediaPro 2011 a great event for marketers

mediaPro 2011 a great event for marketersmediaPro 2011 a great event for marketersIntegrated marketing conference and exhibition mediaPro touched down at Olympia, London last week culminating in what turned out to be a very attendee centric event.  It was brand led back-to-back semi...

Press Release

MediaPro helps you catch up with your customers use of social media and stay ahead of the competition

MediaPro helps you catch up with your customers use of social media and stay ahead of the competitionMediaPro helps you catch up with your customers? use of social media ? and stay ahead of the competitionStripping away the hype surrounding social media to reveal the practical realities and explore some of its almost limitless potential, the medi...

Press Release

WIN 31 prizes in Elemental?s mediaPro competition

WIN 31 prizes in Elemental?s mediaPro competitionWIN 31 prizes in Elemental?s mediaPro competitionThat?s right, not one, not two, but 31 chances to be lucky at mediaProLondon, UK ---- Communications consultancy Elemental has amazing prizes up for grabs with its mediaPro competition.Elemental wil...